I BELIEVE we have more in common than we know, and through cultural and purposeful exchange, we will discover something we share. From that place, we will have the unique opportunity to create meaningfully aligned art.
I'm INSPIRED BY synergistic swirls of interdisciplinary art. It literally leaves me in awe.
I'm EMPOWERED BY the vibrancy and brilliance of our creative community. When we put our heads and hearts together, the outcome is spectacular.
I ASPIRE TO make an impact through meaningful collaborations, and I can't wait to work with you.
"..And throughout Thea Jones moved like the pouring of honey"
Jennifer Dunning, New York Times, 2006
"I am convinced that we have so much more in common than we recognize, and I love discovering those nuances. I am simply interested in making a positive impact in all that I do."- Thea Jones
NashvilleVoyager Hidden Gems, 2022

More than meets the eye...
Dancer & Educator
Voice Over Artist
Community Engagement Strategist
Partnership Developer
International Dance Program Developer
Audience Developer
Art Education & Integration Consultant
Talent Recruiter and Manager
Creative Advisory Consultant
DANCEFIX Nashville Instructor